Denied & Restricted Parties, France, Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Sanctions, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Syria, Turkey, UAE, UK
On November 13, 2019 the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) added 22 more entities to the current Entity List. BIS also removed three entities from the list in the same Federal Register Notice. BIS imposes a license requirement for all items subject to the EAR and...
Australia, BIS, China, Cuba, Denied & Restricted Parties, France, India, Indonesia, Press release, Russia, Thailand, UK
On August 21, 2019 the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) published a final rule in the Federal Register adding forty-six additional non-US affiliates of Huawei to the Entity List. Nineteen of the forty-six entities are being added to the existing entry (May 16,...
France, Germany, JCPOA, OFAC, Sanctions, UK
By: Danielle Hatch Ever since President Trump withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) last year EU companies have felt pressure to figure out a way to keep the deal going with Iran without breaking US sanctions. The biggest issue all EU companies...
France, Germany, Iran, JCPOA, OFAC, Sanctions
By: Danielle Hatch Recently France, Germany and Britain have started working on a new channel (Special Purpose Vehicle) for non-dollar trade with Iran to avoid the newly re-imposed US sanctions on the country. Last year the United States withdrew from the Joint...
France, Hardware, Reexport, USA Regulations
By: Danielle Hatch French Defence minister Florence Parly recently explained that it will start to cut its dependence on US components in many of its weapons systems. Everyone knows that US export controls often limit European weapons sales even if they only contain a...
Egypt, France, ITAR, State Dept
(Source: Defense News, 1 Aug 2018.) [Excerpts.] The U.S. is currently withholding clearance of an American component on the French Scalp cruise missile, which prevents the sale of additional Rafale fighter jets to Egypt. France is looking for ways to reduce its...