BIS, CCL, Commerce Dept, Defense Trade Controls, EAR, ITAR, Reform
By: Danielle Hatch Officials from the State Department and the Commerce Department told Congress privately that they intend to finalize rules in the coming weeks that would shift most consumer gun exports from the State Department to the Commerce Department’s...
BIS, CCL, DDTC, EAR, ECCN Changes, Reform, State Dept
By: Johanna Reeves, Esq.,, +1 202-715-9941; and Katherine Heubert, Esq.,, +1 202-715-9940. Both of Reeves & Dola, LLP. (Source: R/D Report) Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade...
BIS, CCL, EAR, ECCN Changes, Federal Register, Wassenaar
The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has implemented changes to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Commerce Control List (CCL) to implement changes made to the Wasaenaar Arrangement List of Dual-Use Goods and Technologies (WA List) which were...
BIS, CCL, China, Commerce Dept, Denied & Restricted Parties, Enforcement, Russia, Violations & Fines
By: Danielle Hatch Mohawk Global Logistics Corp. has been fined $155,000 for 3 violations of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) related to exporting to companies on the Entity List. Around August 2012 Mowhawk exported an LNP-20 Liquid Nitrogen Plant (EAR99...
BIS, CCL, Commerce Dept, DDTC, Defense Trade Controls, Reform, State Dept, USML
(Source: Reeves & Dola LLP Alert, 1 June 2018. Available via By: Johanna Reeves, Esq.,, 202-715-994; and Katherine Heubert, Esq., 202-715-9940, Both of Reeves & Dola LLP On May 24, 2018,...
BIS, CCL, DDTC, Defense Trade Controls, ECCN Changes, USML
By: Rick Phipp On top of the background buzz regarding the ZTE zigzag, the latest shoe has dropped in the ongoing export control reforms. Three shoes actually, since we can now read about the proposed move of certain items controlled in Categories I, II, and III on...